Tinnitus is best described as an auditory perception without any relation to external sound.
While there is no cure for tinnitus, it can be greatly reduced and managed with the right help.
Everyone’s experience and level of discomfort with tinnitus varies, which is why it’s so important that your audiologist performs a hearing test and tinnitus assessment so they can correctly determine the best form of treatment and management for you.
What causes Tinnitus?
There are many potential causes for tinnitus, which makes each case and patient completely unique. Some causes include undiagnosed medical problems, exposure to loud noise, ear problems, viral infections, certain drugs and hearing loss.
While a large percentage of tinnitus sufferers also experience hearing loss, it is not solely an auditory issue. Tinnitus is a combination of audiological, neurological and psychological factors, which is why Attune takes a holistic approach to treatment and management.
You don’t have to feel isolated and frustrated; we have a solution to help you.
Do I need treatment?
If you experience any of the following, you may require a tinnitus assessment and appropriate treatment.
What is the treatment?
Your Attune audiologist will start by understanding exactly what you are experiencing and the severity of your tinnitus. This will allow them to find the best possible solution for you.
Tinnitus and Hearing Assessment by Attune Audiologist.
Explanation of the auditory and neurological pathways relevant to understanding tinnitus.
Appropriate tinnitus management model as recommended by your audiologist.
Some of the ways we help to treat and manage tinnitus include:
Treatment and Management
We take a holistic approach to treatment and management by addressing the neurological, psychological and audiological aspects of the condition.
Your Attune audiologist will be managing every step of your treatment so you never have to worry about feeling confused or alone with your tinnitus again.
What are the next steps?…